
Mag. Dr. Martin Zehl
Head of the Mass Spectrometry Center

Phone: +43 1 4277 70700
E-Mail: martin.zehl@univie.ac.at

<< CV >>

Publications (u:cris)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gunda Köllensperger
Vice Head of the Mass Spectrometry Center
Vice Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

Phone: +43 664 6027752303
E-Mail: gunda.koellensperger@univie.ac.at

<< CV >>

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christopher Gerner
Vice Head of the Mass Spectrometry Center
Head of the Department of Analytical Chemistry

Phone: +43 1 4277 52302
E-Mail: christopher.gerner@univie.ac.at

<< CV >>


Secretary´s Office

Andrea Hilbert

Phone: +43 1 4277 52301
E-Mail: andrea.hilbert@univie.ac.at

Martin Safranek

Phone: +43 1 4277 52329
E-Mail: martin.safranek@univie.ac.at


Technical Staff

Anna Fabisikova, MSc

Phone: +43 1 4277 70707
E-Mail: anna.fabisikova@univie.ac.at

Stephanie Dumont, DI

Phone: +43 1 4277 70707
E-Mail: stephanie.dumont@univie.ac.at



Peter Frühauf

Phone: +43 1 4277 52332
E-Mail: peter.fruehauf@univie.ac.at

Michael Abraham-Klemm, BSc

Phone: +43 1 4277 70707
E-Mail: michael.abraham@univie.ac.at

Mag. Alexander Ronacher

Phone: +43 1 4277 70708
E-Mail: alexander.ronacher@univie.ac.at

Bernhard Wiener

Phone: +43 1 4277 70709
E-Mail: bernhard.wiener@univie.ac.at